PICTURE: Left to Right: Nelson Silverstrim, Jennifer Wooster, Taylor Decker, Julie Vargason, Aarika Mancini and Francisca Nicolo
The Odd Fellows Award is an award that honors the practical nursing graduates who displayed dedication and perseverance in completing the nursing program. The Odd Fellows presented awards for academic honors at the Practical Nursing Graduation on
August 20, 2020. Nelson Silverstrim, Grand Noble of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows 1152 Wysox, PA Chapter presented the awards to Aarika Mancini, Julie Vargason, Taylor Decker, Jennifer Wooster and Francisca Nicolo.
The Practical Nursing Program located at Northern Tier Career Center, Towanda, PA is in its 38th year. It is a one-year program that qualifies graduates to apply for licensure in Practical Nursing. Practical nurses work in nursing homes, doctors’ offices, hospitals, and home health care as well as in other areas of health care.
For further information on the Practical Nursing Program, contact 570-265-8113.