NTCC culinary students, in both the morning and afternoon sessions, recently collaborated to create a Fine Dining Experience. The students all spent an entire day at the center preparing and practicing for the big event which included all areas of a fine dining experience for invited guests of the community. The morning class cooked and served the afternoon class and then the afternoon class did the same for the morning class. Students participated as chefs, servers, and guests. Students also developed the full menu for the event. Students singularly or in groups of 2 developed and prepared a 5-course fine dining menu. The students then voted on all of the items that were prepared to determine the final menu for the night. The students were able to gain experience in all areas of preparation in both the kitchen and the restaurant including dishwashers, executive chefs, servers, and hosts. Students sold tickets to their family members, teachers and community members and were able to book reservations in order to gain experience with staggered seating, multiple tables to take care of, and use the point-of-sale system to ring tickets into the kitchen which allowed for multiple courses being prepared and delivered at the same time. The students had a great time and were able to pull-off a successful experience for all.