The Northern Tier Career Center Practical Nursing Program held its 41st annual commencement at Towanda High School auditorium on Thursday, August 15, 2024 with 34 graduates entering the nursing profession. The individuals who graduated were:
Sitting Row Left to Right: Skyler Duncan, Camille Harris, Aliyah Nimmo, Holly Dykins, Corey McCaslin, Kaylee Bartholomew, Jaycielyn Coe, Felicia Young, Kacee Davidson, Charlotte Johnson, Alexis Tedesco
Kneeling Row Left to Right: Amanda Shepler, Keirra Thoman, Kirsten Covey, Melissa Beyer, Michaela Morse, Brooke Truitt, Heleen Moyer, Raelyn Slater, Haili Densmore, Alisha Wright, Alexis Westerfield, Mallory Fitch
Standing Row Left to Right: Zoey Grant, Alisha Talmage, Danielle McNeal, Leah Liechty, Alexis Dietz, Hunter Hoover, Jessica Huff, Bambi Jackson, Mackenzie Raymond, Kendall Riley, Amy Johnston
The welcome was presented by the coordinator of the program, Courtney Perry, who praised the class for its accomplishments.
The Invocation was given by Kirsten Covey.
Graduation Speech was given by Camille Harris.
The presentation of awards was made by faculty members Miriam Martin and Sandy Congdon.
The Perfect Attendance Award was presented to Mackenzie Raymond and Corey McCaslin.
The Outstanding Attendance Award was presented to: Mallory Fitch, Kendall Riley and Felicia Young.
A Certificate of Excellence was given to Mackenzie Raymond.
The Valedictorian Award was given to Melissa Beyer.
The Salutatorian Award was given to Zoey Grant.
The Leadership Award was presented to Bambi Jackson.
The Class Award was presented to Felicia Young.
The Odd Fellows award was presented to Alexis Dietz, Hunter Hoover, Bambi Jackson, Heleen Moyer and Alisha Talmage.
The Martha Grace Pepper Legacy Award was presented to Raelyn Slater.
The Lorene F. Berry Award was presented to Melissa Beyer and Zoey Grant
Presentation of the Diplomas was made by faculty members Lisa Garrity and Courtney Perry. Presentation of Class was made by Courtney Perry, Practical Nursing Coordinator. Presentation of graduation pins was performed by faculty member Sandra Congdon.